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The representatives of INERI delivers a speech at the opening of Digital Culture Industry Development Forum

———— Release time:2019-12-30   Edit:  Read:88 ————

    On the afternoon of 27 December 2019, the 2019 Shenzhen Cultural and Financial AchievementsRelease Conference and Digital Cultural Industry Development Forum jointlysponsored by Shenzhen Cultural and Financial Service Center and Shenzhen Financialand Life Channel were held in the conference hall on the second floor of ShenzhenCulture Assets and Equity Exchange.Over 100 guests and representatives from thegovernment, academia, financial institutions, industry associations, media andresearch institutions attended the forum.


    The"2019 report on the development of culture and finance in Shenzhen"was released on the activity site, which systematically sorted out andsummarized the development of culture and finance in Shenzhen, awarded "InnovationAward of Culture and Finance in Shenzhen" to enterprises and institutionsof high quality in culture and finance, and awarded the "Demonstration Parkof Culture and Finance in Shenzhen".During the forum, several experts andscholars delivered keynote speeches on digital culture industry respectively,offering suggestions for the pilot zone of digital economy innovation anddevelopment driven by the "double-zone" engine.

     At the DigitalCulture Industry Development Forum,Dr. Zheng Lei,director of Digital Economy ResearchCenter of INERI,Chen Nengjun, director of the Research Department of ShenzhenCultural and Financial Services and director of the Research Department of Shenzhen Copyright Service Center,and a number of specialist respectivelyaddressed around topics such as "The Innovation and Development of DigitalCulture Industry and Supply Chain Finance", "The Digital Culture Industryand the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Cultural Innovation and Development",deeplydiscuss the digital culture assets for the future development trend, to helpaccelerate the development of Shenzhen high quality digital culture industry,build an innovation and development experimental zone of Shenzhen digitaleconomy.